由香港版畫工作室籌辦的線上展覽,展出有關社會議題的版畫藝術作品。 An online exhibition presented by Hong Kong Open Printshop to showcase works about social issues by printmakers.
View exhibition由香港版畫工作室籌辦的線上展覽,展出有關社會議題的版畫藝術作品。 An online exhibition presented by Hong Kong Open Printshop to showcase works about social issues by printmakers.
香港版畫工作室(Hong Kong Open Printshop下稱HKOP)成立於2000年,是香港首個由版畫家創辦及管理的專業藝術團體,並於2012年註冊為非牟利慈善機構;由董事局、常務委員會監察及一專業團隊營運管理。HKOP致力推廣和普及當代版畫圖像藝術、促進國際文化交流、提高藝術創作水平,同時為保育與承傳本地的印藝文化作出貢獻。 Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop is Hong Kong’s first non-profit open printshop run by artists. In 2012, Hong Kong Open Printshop registered as a charitable organisation governed by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and operated by a professional team. HKOP is dedicated to promoting graphic art, encouraging international cultural exchange, enhancing quality and professional standard in artistic expression, and giving back to the community by preserving local print art culture.
香港版畫工作室(Hong Kong Open Printshop下稱HKOP)成立於2000年,是香港首個由版畫家創辦及管理的專業藝術團體,並於2012年註冊為非牟利慈善機構;由董事局、常務委員會監察及一專業團隊營運管理。HKOP致力推廣和普及當代版畫圖像藝術、促進國際文化交流、提高藝術創作水平,同時為保育與承傳本地的印藝文化作出貢獻。 Founded in 2000, Hong Kong Open Printshop is Hong Kong’s first non-profit open printshop run by artists. In 2012, Hong Kong Open Printshop registered as a charitable organisation governed by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, and operated by a professional team. HKOP is dedicated to promoting graphic art, encouraging international cultural exchange, enhancing quality and professional standard in artistic expression, and giving back to the community by preserving local print art culture.