"The Queen of Scotland - Margaret of Scotland"
70 x 70 cm
On Request
Margaret of Scotland (circa 1045 - 1093) - queen and patroness of Scotland. Wife of Scottish King Malcolm III. Daughter of the English King Edward the Exile and the Princess of Kyivan Rus' Agatha Yaroslavna, daughter of the Grand Duke of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise. In 1250 she was canonized by Pope Innocent IV. Margaret became the first Scottish saint; the next Scot was canonized only in 1976. As queen, Margaret patronized the church and monastics, helped the poor, and patronized trade. Turgot, the queen's confessor, describes her as extremely pious, merciful, and highly educated. The name Margaret was given to the oldest building in Edinburgh and the chapel of the royal castle. University College in Edinburgh is also named after her. Queen Margaret of Scotland is buried next to her husband at Dunfermline Abbey.