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劉家俊 Jay Lau Ka-chun

Hong Kong

劉家俊,2019年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,同年獲香港版畫工作室頒發「Hong Kong Fine Print」獎項。現從事不同兼職,包括畫班導師、教學助理、技術人員、藝術品搬運佈置員、藝術圈臨時工作者等。畢業後以版畫作為主要創作媒介,閒時亦會創作雕塑、錄像和攝影,當中最喜歡的是錄像作品。他喜歡在作品中混合使用圖像、文字和符號,並且根據特定語境和議題而選用不同的物料和媒介創作。 Jay Lau Ka-chun graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019, and received Hong Kong Open Printshop’s “Hong Kong Fine Print” award in the same year. He has taken up various part-time jobs, including as an art tutor, teaching assistant, technician, art mover, and temporary staff in the art field. After graduation, his art practice centres on printmaking. In his free time, he also creates sculptures, moving images and photography—with video works being his favourite. He enjoys using imagery, texts and symbols in his art, and select materials and mediums according on the contexts and issues.