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Thomas Kilpper


Thomas Kilpper專注以各種媒介進行特定場域創作,包括裝置、雕塑、圖像、攝影及影片等。他畢業於杜塞爾多夫及法蘭克福藝術學院,現於德國柏林和挪威卑爾根居住及工作。Kilpper的藝術創作常介入不同社會議題及衝突。自2006年起,他一直在柏林經營獨立畫廊「after the butcher」。自2014年起,他在卑爾根美術、音樂與設計學院擔任教授,重點研究版畫。他的個人展覽包括:《科隆的碎片》(Nagel Draxler Gallery,科隆,2020)、《遺產政治與政治遺產》(Edinburgh Printmakers,愛丁堡,2019)、 《蘭佩杜薩燈塔!》(Bozar 當代藝術博物館,布魯塞爾, 2016)、《當代足跡》(奧斯陸國家美術館,2015)、《SPEECH MATTERS:革命性自由言論館》(丹麥館,第54屆威尼斯雙年展,2011)及 《監控國度》(前史塔西博物館,柏林,2009)。 Thomas Kilpper is an artist working preferably on site-related projects with a wide range of media, including installation, sculpture, graphics, photography and video. He studied Fine Arts at the Staatliche Kunstakademie in Nuremberg, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt am Main; he lives and works in Berlin and Bergen. Kilpper’s art projects are known for interfering in different fields of social issues and conflicts. Since 2006, he has been running the independent gallery space “after the butcher” in Berlin. Since 2014, he has been a Professor of Art with emphasis on printmaking at the Faculty of Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen. Solo projects include: Fragments from Cologne (Nagel Draxler Gallery, Cologne, 2020), The Politics of Heritage vs The Heritage of Politics (Edinburgh Printmakers, Edinburgh, 2019), A Lighthouse for Lampedusa! (Bozar, Museum for Contemporary Art, Brussel, 2016), Contemporary Footprints (National Gallery Oslo, 2015), SPEECH MATTERS: Pavilion for Revolutionary Free Speech (Danish Pavilion, 54th Venice Biennale, 2011); State of Control (former Ministry for State Security - Stasi, Berlin, 2009).