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我愛清理你的垃圾 I love to clear your waste

凸版畫:木刻油印、布本 | Relief Print: Woodblock, Fabric

149 x 280 cm

Not For Sale

Thomas Kilpper 在2013年應邀來港,參與香港版畫工作室舉辦的《香港圖像藝術節》。在駐留香港歷史建築物牛棚藝術村期間,他運用工業卡板及鑼機,創作一系列以「地上的版畫」為主題的大型木刻版畫。Kilpper享受在大型場地刻畫作品,及讓自己在過程中筋疲力盡。他不但視創作為干預建築物的一種方式,同時亦為訴說關於建築物的故事的一個渠道。對經常參與社會運動的Kilpper來說,社會和政治議題是他的創作核心。這次展出的版畫作品也不例外,他以局外人的觀點,記下在香港及亞洲的所見所聞。 In 2013, Hong Kong Open printshop invited Thomas Kilpper participate in Hong Kong Graphic Art Fiesta. During his residency at the historical site Cattle Depot Artist Village, he made a series of large-scale woodblock prints entitled “Print from the Ground” with industrial pallets and milling machines. Kilpper enjoys the physicality of carving and working on large site-specific locations. He considers art not only as a way to intervene in architecture, but also a channel to tell stories about the buildings he creates art in. As an activist, socio-political issues are central to his art practice. Now on display, Kilpper’s prints embody his experiences in Hong Kong and Asia.