Djordje Stanojevic
VR Exhibition
TO PAINT AS NATURE. The earth in its natural form is the key element in nearly all of my works. It is real and cannot be copied, simulated, or created. Precisely therein lies its power. The idea of being born from it and the existential struggle of the born is the main motif of this methodology of artistic exploration. It personifies the human existential restlessness that I try to weave into the material. The earth as a medium holds great power. It carries within it the history, psychology, and existentiality of a certain area. I paint the area in which I live in its totality. I paint it with its own means. That is why I use muck, mud, chaff, wood, iodine… All the materials that carry the vitality of the space. We are all made from the earth on which we were born and we bear all its characteristics.