視像對話 Video Call
凸版畫:木刻油印、絕版套色|Relief Print: Woodblock, Reduction
56.5 x 76 cm
Not For Sale
疫症帶來挑戰和難題,社會生活逐漸邁向新常態。對於異地戀人來說,相見變得不容易。林樂新與伴侶雖然只有一河之隔,視像通話卻成為兩人最近唯一的見面方式。當時林樂新的伴侶問他:「我們什麼時候可以見面?」對他來說,視像通話確實能讓他們見面,不過是隔著屏幕裡的像素點,而對方偶爾隨不穩定的信號變得模糊。林樂新根據通話截圖創作,以木刻刀雕刻大量細點,嘗試用這種方法抵銷情感上的思念。 As the pandemic has brought challenges and difficulties to our lives, we gradually adapt to the new normal of our social life. For long-distance couples, meeting each other is not easy. Although Lam Lok-san and his partner are only a river away from each other, video calls have become their only way to see each other’s faces during the pandemic. Lam’s partner once asked him: “When can we meet?” For Lam, video-calling does allow them to see each other, but unstable signal can turn faces into pixelated, blurry silhouettes. In this work, Lam Lok-san recreates screenshots of his video calls. As he carves numerous tiny dots, woodblock printing becomes a refuge from the intense longing for his partner.
Exhibitions with this piece
Pressing On - L1
由香港版畫工作室籌辦的線上展覽,展出有關社會議題的版畫藝術作品。 An online exhibition presented by Hong Kong Open Printshop to showcase works about social issues by printmakers.