全日禁止堂食 Ban on restaurant dining
凹版畫:蝕刻、手工上色 | Intaglio: Etching, Hand-colouring
22 x 13 cm
Not For Sale
當這個世界只剩下一種聲音、一個目標、一個方向,我們只能窮一生精力向前跑,沒有思考的空間,也沒有休息的時間。可惜的是,我們不是每人都有矯健的雙腿、足以翱翔的翅膀。一旦停下來,我們便會在跑道上落後一大截,或是被冠上離經叛道的罪名、被視為破壞一切的怪獸。余錦發以怪誕無稽的卡通人物呈現人人化作怪獸的世界——但願我們都能說不同的聲音,走不同的路。 When there is just one voice, one goal or one direction left in this world, we can only spend our entire life running forward, without room to think or time to rest. Unfortunately, not everyone has strong legs or flapping wings. Once we pause, we fall behind. Sometimes we are even accused of betrayal and considered as a monster who destroys everything. Yu Kam-faat’s grotesque cartoon characters represent a world where everyone turns into monsters—in doing so, the artist hopes that we can embrace various voices and choose different paths.
Exhibitions with this piece
Pressing On - L1
由香港版畫工作室籌辦的線上展覽,展出有關社會議題的版畫藝術作品。 An online exhibition presented by Hong Kong Open Printshop to showcase works about social issues by printmakers.