世界人權宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Not For Sale
2019年夏天,香港版畫工作室連同藝術家林嵐招募義工,一同一字一句以墨蠟拓印《世界人權宣言》,透過長時間的體力勞動,對自由及尊嚴等價值作出反思。 In the summer of 2019, Hong Kong Open Printshop and Jaffa Lam invited a group of volunteers to create frottage prints of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with heelballs while rethinking freedom and dignity during long hours of labour.
Exhibitions with this piece
香港版畫工作室 Hong Kong Open Printshop
Pressing On - L0
由香港版畫工作室籌辦的線上展覽,展出有關社會議題的版畫藝術作品。 An online exhibition presented by Hong Kong Open Printshop to showcase works about social issues by printmakers.
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