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This piece by Wuper was made several years after he started doing graffiti and it shows that at the time this was made he already had fully developed style. From the very beginning he was mostly impressed by wild style and it was that virtuosity that he wanted to achieve. As it is usual among those graffiti writers that dedicate themselves to wild style gradation goes from complicated yet readable towards almost unreadable but keeping the structure of the letters. Same thing goes for Wuper’s phases. As he mastered the wild style with Latin letter he tried out how it would look like in Cyrillic. Even though Cyrillic letter structure is quite different in this case he had his name transcribed and the letters used are quite manageable. He made Wuper into Вупе, leaving out the last letter solely because of the technical reasons, and the structure of the piece remained very compact. The structure of the piece is underlined by the choice of colours where the fill in looks like the horizon on the ocean, and the outline is orange, like the late evening sun. This piece was a part of the small jam and next to Wuper there were More, Skore and Pone. Already at this time he started developing new much simpler style which he could use in different situations. So parallel to very elaborate wild style he started developing pieces that looked like a throw up in which he put much more time and effort.

Milena Student Piccino

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