400 x 300 cm
One of the most prolific artists who does stencils in Belgrade is Inspector Yoda Wrinkled, or just Yoda. He is definitely the most talented student of TKV, whom he met at a stencil workshop and who promptly started a revolution. His first piece, ‘Place for Kissing’, became an immediate media success and, as he has progressed and developed, all sorts of attention has just kept pouring in. He came up with a very lovable alias in the form of a pug that is usually applied on the surface using a stencilling technique, but to this is added hand-made speech bubbles that contain ‘Yoda Wisdom’. Yoda looks like a logo and, in contemporary urban culture, in general, this type of visual representation is a substitute for a tag. His play with words and nuances of the language he uses have the effect of a prism. We see the word, we understand the word, but it is as if we see a white light. When Yoda uses it, he puts it trough prism and it is like an array of rainbow colours and we wonder how it is possible we have never seen it in that way. Here, we see two of his artworks, one playing with a dual meaning of ex-Yugoslav nostalgia and the other one with the word ‘nation’.