Rosas de pandora /Pandora’s roses
Cavae interiorum
Oil on canvas
117 x 127 cm
Pandora’s roses, a revelation of women and myth, is presented to us in its most authentic version, endowed this time with a transformation of the traditional image which is impregnated with the spirit of beauty and compassion. From one representation to another, our Pandora is a form of initiation towards a universe marked by the apprehension of beauty that transmits the ability to overcome and strength of the human being, that which appeases the most acute evils and helps us transform them. In contrast to the classic legend where this woman was the source of all the evils of humanity, the new Pandora erects the symbol of a human renewal endowed with purity and innocence, light and strength. The roses associated with hope allow a symbolic translation to that other universe where it is possible to transform evil into our own bulwark. The center that incites their curiosity, in this case the eyes, are covered by their own hair as an attempt to contain themselves against their internal weaknesses, those that as humans can lead us to failure, to surrender. It is not an outright denial of the right that every man has to decline in the face of misfortune, but rather that weapon of struggle, that constant aspiration not to bow before the tribulation of destiny. In a context where the health crisis has tested the ability of human beings to overcome extreme adversity, this work, from its mythological background, tries to show us through a new conception of myth the allegory of flowering, transfiguration and renewal of society in the face of imminent impact.