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Fishing No.2

140 x 160 cm

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Liu Fei's work gives virtual machines a fairy-tale image and life, and anoints them with a warm human nostalgia. It reminds us of the early industrial era of modern society, and the romantic ideal of modernization at that time. Whether or not this reminiscence is factual, it nevertheless seems to reflect the hidden, powerful but anti-human nature of technology in today's post-modern industrial era. In the world we live in, everything is centered on human beings, and machines are just one of the tools to beautify human life, and we never care about these cold machines. Maybe they have life too, maybe they are living in their own way and with their own unique laws, but this form is different from human beings. So it becomes their irreversible fate to be ignored.It is when people use these instrument tools that they care about their existence, and this cruel use is so sad for the machines themselves. Humans have an unshakable thematic status, and only when these machines are displayed in front of people in human form can they be valued by them. Therefore, the machines under my pen are cold, helpless, and perhaps with a kind of sadness. The brilliant colors and intense dynamics are not their expression from the heart, but a passive choice under helplessness. Whether the machine itself has feelings and life is not the focus of my discussion, I just take the familiar machine and show it to people in another way, an anthropomorphic way. Humans are not the only center, and whether we care about them or not should not depend on whether it is. Whether or not there is life, whether or not we can sense, what matters is whether or not we should do.