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Liberation notes

Digital Print

50 x 50 cm

There were two cats at the time we met. One of them is a tabby, the other is solid black with white beard. It seems like a tabby is a big sister, while a black cat is a little one. At our first sight, they saw me as a stranger. I tried to pet a tabby, and I got scratches with slightly drizzly blood in return. A black cat was looking from its distance – far away. After a while, it broke the ice and came around where I was. During our ongoing conversation, they played together. They licked each other. A big sister may like protecting their little one. I met them again. A big sister seems like it still doubts me although it didn’t intimidate me like the last time. On the other hand, the black one seems to like me a lot. Their eyes shone brightly when they saw my cats’ liquid snack I brought. During our ongoing conversation, the black cat came licking my legs. He told me that it has never licked anyone but himself. His words totally brightened my smile. And I was on cloud nine again when I discovered the meaning of being licked by a cat. After this drawing comes to an end, I may forgive myself and feel nothing about it anymore. I don’t really know that during our journey, how much truth had been there – in his words and actions. Yet the most reliable thing for me is those two cats’ feelings.

20_DAFA_NFT Asia

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