Asphalt Island II
絲印版畫 | Screenprint
75.5 x 50.5 cm
Not For Sale
自去年六月起,城中各處出現凹凸不平的街道,路磚被挖起後,坑洞被水泥強行填補。陳伊婷以攝影捕捉社會運動在街上遺下的痕跡,再以夢幻柔和的顏色層層疊印,構成建基於現實卻又虛幻含糊的畫面。在創作絲印版畫時,版畫家必須反覆使用不同顏色實驗試印、修改圖像,過程中不斷重新審視生活中的片刻。對陳伊婷而言,唯有以創作重新調整焦距,才能勉強面對每天上映的荒謬日常。 Since last June, uneven pavements have been ubiquitous in the city. Bricks were dug out and potholes were filled with cement. Chan Yi-ting uses photography to capture traces of protests on streets. Subsequently, she prints the images layer by layer in soft, pastel tones, constructing dreamlike scenes based on reality. In screenprinting, the printmaker constantly experiments with different colours and fine-tunes the image. In this process, Chan revisits and reconsiders moments she captured again and again. For her, artmaking is a way to shift her focus in order to face the absurdity in everyday life.
Exhibitions with this piece
Pressing On - L1
由香港版畫工作室籌辦的線上展覽,展出有關社會議題的版畫藝術作品。 An online exhibition presented by Hong Kong Open Printshop to showcase works about social issues by printmakers.