龐克搖滾舍 Pangrok Sulap
龐克搖滾舍(Pangrok Sulap)是一個馬來西亞沙巴的藝術團體。「Pangrok」意指「punk rock」(龐克),而「Sulap」則是農夫休息的小屋。成立於2010年,成員包括藝術家、音樂家、社運人士等。他們透過印尼龐克樂團 Marjinal 認識藝術家團體稻米獠牙(Taring Padi),並受其啟發以木刻版畫刻畫社區議題。他們常在印製版畫時演奏民俗音樂,邀請公眾在木版上跳舞壓印。近年參與展覽包括《闇刻時光:1930年代至2010年代亞洲木刻版畫運動》(日本福岡亞洲美術館,2018)、《亞洲藝術雙年展》(國立臺灣美術館,2017)、《太陽雨:1980年代至今的東南亞當代藝術》(國立新美術館、森美術館,2017)等。 Pangrok Sulap is an art collective based in Sabah, Malaysia. “Pangrok” means “punk rock”, while “Sulap” refers to a hut used as a resting place by farmers. Established in 2010, the collective consists of artists, musicians, and activists. Inspired by the art collective Taring Padi, whom they came into contact through the Indonesian punk band Marjinal, Pangrok Sulap began creating woodblock prints to address and depict social issues. Their recent exhibitions include Blaze Carved in Darkness: Woodcut Movements in Asia 1930s-2010s (Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, 2018), Asian Art Biennial (National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, 2017), Sun Shower: Contemporary Art from Southeast Asia 1980s to Now (The National Art Center, Tokyo & Mori Art Museum, 2017), and more. facebook.com/PangrokSulap/