林樂新 Lam Lok-san
Hong Kong
畢業於中央美術學院版畫系,作品曾入選《第二十屆全國版畫作品展》(黑龍江省美術館,2013)並獲收藏,亦曾於《2015觀瀾國際版畫雙年展》(中國版畫博物館,2015)展出。現為香港版畫工作室見習版畫師,曾於寒陽畫室擔任助教,並在多場木刻工作坊擔任導師和助教,希望讓更多人了解版畫藝術。 Lam Lok-san graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, majoring in Printmaking. His work was shortlisted for the 20th National Print Exhibition and collected by the Heilongjiang Art Museum in 2013. It was also showcased in the Guanlan International Print Biennial (China Printmaking Museum, 2015). He is currently a Printer Trainee at Hong Kong Open Printshop, and was an assistant tutor at Hanyang Studio. As a tutor and assistant for numerous woodblock printing workshops, Lam is keen on promoting print art to the public.