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Photo Basel


the fair. photo basel strives to include and combine galleries that are young as well as those that are renowned, Swiss exhibitors as well as international ones, those with a bold contemporary program as well as others with strong historic positions. The fair aims to provide its visitors and collectors with the ultimate chance to connect with galleries whose respective exhibition programs demonstrate a strong predilection for translating the DNA of momentous photographic practices, historic and contemporary, as well as a gift for revealing talents, from emerging or previously overlooked to underrated or established. USPs of photo basel. • an art fair solely dedicated for photography – the first in Switzerland, the only one in the German speaking world • the only pure photography art fair parallel to Art Basel • already five photo basel fairs in June 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 that were highly successful in terms of sales, attracting collectors, visitors and connecting people • a family-like driven organisation with personal and direct contacts To enrich and broaden photo basel’s content, we will provide a program about and for photography contents with the aim to bring photography closer to the audience, to the public as well as collectors.