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凸版畫:木刻水印 | Relief Print: Woodblock

15 x 15.5 cm

Not For Sale

當刻骨銘心的場景被掏空,我們還能記住曾經發生的一切嗎?黃皓珵透過版畫創作重構熟悉的畫面,以彷如電影和小說的敘事式想像,帶領觀眾重回舊地,凝視並記念一些逝去的靈魂。 When memorable scenes are emptied of its past, how can we remember everything that happened? With printmaking, Jeannie Wong Ho-ching reconstructs scenes that look familiar to us. The element of imagination is significant in Wong’s works, as she presents visual narratives that resemble those in movies and novels. In her prints, Wong invites the audience to return to the past and mourn the vanished souls.